Much cooler today, but look out, its supposed to heat up again. I have everything almost ready for the trunk show for next Saturday.
Now its just create as much as possible before Saturday.
We went for a long drive today. It was nice to get out and about for the day. I made us a nice steak dinner when we got home. True Blood was good tonight, but I think the next episode will be better.
Tomorrow morning I have to get up and going early. I have a physical therapy for my shoulder/arm appointment at 7:00. My boss will be gone all week. There is rumor that we will have 8 large groups to add for the coming month.
Hope everyone has a good week.
Great phot.
I hop all is well with you. This summer has been a food choice rollar coaster for me. How about you?
Hope the trunk show is a great success!!!!!
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