1.... Love - Making Snow Angels 2. Hate - Driving In The Snow or On Icy Roads 3. Love - Sitting in front of the fireplace sipping from a mug of a warming drink watching the beautiful snowflakes coming down. 4. Hate - Melted Snow that Turns Into Ice or Snow Berms 5. Love - Snow Cream (Click on the link for the recipe) 6. Hate - Icecicles - The only kind I like are hanging on the outside of houses. 7. Love - Wear winter hats, gloves and scarves 8. Hate - Cost of Home Heating Oil 9. Love - Seeing the trees and mountains dusted with snow. Looks just like a Christmas card. 10. Hate - Snowballs on the my little dogs fur after a romp through the snow. 11. Love - Wearing my new Winter Coats and Boots. I bought 2 on sale on Black Friday. Don't we just love those good sales? 12. Hate - Slipping and Falling on melted snow that turns to ice! I think we can all agree on this one. 13. Love - Treating myself to a sugar free double chocolate mocha on a cold snowy winter day. Perks my spirits right up! |
The snow finally came. We got about 4 inches. Driving to work wasn't too bad. only slid just a little in one place. Admin gave us hot chocolate and whipped cream to warm us up. It was as busy as it was yesterday. When I left work the snow was melting and most of the main streets have been sprayed. The side streets were still slippery. I decided to come straight home.
I have found something new to do on Tuesdays. Its called Secret Ingredient Tuesday. She names a secret ingredient and then you post 5 recipes using the ingredient.
Secret Ingredient #1 Sugar
Spiced Pecans
2 1/2 cups pecan halves
2 teaspoons vegetable oil
1 cup granulated sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon
3/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup water
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Put pecans and oil in a flat baking pan; stir until pecans are coated. Roast in 300° oven 20 to 25 minutes, stirring frequently. Cool.
Freak'n Good Ribs
3 cups pineapple juice
1 1/2 cups brown sugar
1 1/2 tablespoons mustard powder
1/3 cup ketchup
1/3 cup red wine vinegar
1 1/2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
2 tablespoons soy sauce
1/2 teaspoon ground cloves
2 teaspoons ground ginger
4 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper
2 pounds baby back pork ribs
1 (18 ounce) bottle barbeque sauce
In a large baking dish, mix together the pineapple juice, brown sugar, mustard powder, ketchup, red wine vinegar, lemon juice, and soy sauce. Season with cloves, ginger, garlic, and cayenne pepper. Cut ribs into serving size pieces, and place into the marinade. Cover, and refrigerate, turning occasionally, for 8 hours or overnight.
Preheat oven to 275 degrees F (80 degrees C). Cook ribs in marinade for 1 1/2 hours, turning occasionally to ensure even cooking.
Preheat grill for medium heat.
Lightly oil grate. Grill ribs for 15 to 20 minutes, basting with barbecue sauce, and turning frequently until nicely glazed.
Sugared Grapes
15 min 15 min prep
green grapes
egg whites
cup sugar (approx.)
For one regular size bunch of grapes, 2 egg whites.
Brush grapes with egg whites and then sprinkle sugar to TOTALY cover grapes.
Freeze until needed the day of.
This makes a very pretty garnish that's REALLY yummmy!
The crystallized sugar makes the grapes crunchy and sweet!
New Orleans Pralines
1- 1/2 cups sugar
3/4 cups light brown sugar, packed
1/2 cup + 2 T. Half and Half cream
1/2 stick butter
1 1/2 cups pecans
1 teaspoon vanilla
Combine all ingredients except the pecans and vanilla in a heavy saucepan
Mixture will be thick. Stir until it comes to a boil, then turn heat down to a low boil. Stir occasionally; spoon mixture up on sides of pan to melt any sugar that hasn't melted.
Cook until the mixture reaches 239 degrees with a candy thermometer. If you don't have a candy thermometer, bring it to the soft ball stage.
Remove from heat. Stir in the vanilla and the pecans. Stir until the mixture begins to thicken and becomes creamy and cloudy. Spoon onto waxed paper to harden
What usually happens is that by the time the mixture turns cloudy, signaling that it is time to drop onto the waxed paper, it starts hardening too fast to drop correctly. You should then stir in about 1 - 2 tablespoons of warm water to thin the mixture. Don't add too much - just enough to make the spoonfuls drop and settle in a "puddle". You don't want them to look like chunks of rocks.
If cooked to the correct temperature, it won't take a minute to harden by stirring. If you don't cook them long enough, they remain "sticky" and never become firm. They should be firm, yet creamy. If you don't eat them all the first day
Balsamic and Brown Sugar Glazed Beets
7 to 9 beets, peeled, quartered
1 1/2 cups water
3/4 cup brown sugar, packed
1/3 cup balsamic vinegar
2 tablespoons butter
Combine beets with water, brown sugar , vinegar, and butter. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat to medium and continue simmering, uncovered, for about 1 hour, or until beets are tender and most of the liquid has boiled away.Serves 4 to 6
Stopped by Safeway and bought a case of water. jack the fish needed water. We are planning on buying him a new tank.
Monday: Cream of Mushroom Soup and Grilled Cheese Sandwiches
Tuesday: Albondigas Soup and Cheese & Green Chile Quesadillas
Wednesday: Three Beans and Smoked Sausage served over hot white rice
Thursday: Egg Salad with green olive sandwiches and Macaroni Salad
Friday: Pizza
Saturday: Alfredo Chicken and Biscuits
Sunday: Breakfast: Waffles and Bacon
Cold and gray outside. Lazy day inside. Slept in and then took a nap. I guess I needed more sleep.
We are meeting friends at Rancho Chico for dinner tonight.
Sunday meme:
1. Have you ever taken an art class?
Yes in high school and college
2. Do you draw, paint, or sculpt?
I like to create collages which includes all 3. I also like needlework, quilting, beading and other crafts.
3. Do you ever attend art shows or other artistic exhibitions?
Yes, when there are any. Spokane is not considered an art mecca.
4. What kinds and styles of art are you drawn to?
I love all kinds of styles of art. I'm mostly drawn to western paintings and gothic photography.
5. What kind of art do you actually have in your home?
I have oil painting of a Mountain Man Scene. We also have a framed print of Norman Rockwell's Lake Powell scene and other prints and paintings spread all around the house.
Did a little bit more shopping today after dropping M off at work. The stores were not as crowded as yesterday, but, still busy enough. I finally found the leggings I was looking for at Walmart.
The theme for this week is hot. I chose a picture of hot chile peppers.
Friday Feast (Thanks Gattina!)
Imagine that you are deaf, dumb and insensitive to touch. What other image of happiness could you have?
Warmth on a cold snowy day and Coolness on a hot summer day.
Do you collect anything?
Earrings - Every kind you can think of. I was so sad when we experienced the heartbreak of a break in last summer. They stole about 300 pairs of my newest earrings. Some were irreplaceable one of a kind earrings. What is sad the policeman said that they probably threw them away upon finding they were not fine jewelry.
When do you start your Christmas?
We no longer celebrate Christmas. But we do celebrate Winter Solstice!
Main Course
What would you do if you were in a corner and a snake was staring you down?
Slowly move peaceably away and leave well enough alone or shoot its head off with my Glock 19.
If you were in the library and had gas
Oh My! Find the closest womens restroom and take care of the problem.
I went back out to take advantage of the sales going on. Went to Joann's and bought all the beading supplies I need. All beading supplies were 40% off and then another 20% of your total purchase. I went over to Circuit City, but they were out of all the televisions we had selected an interest in. I did get M's VHS rewinder that he needed for work. I then ventured over to Michael's. I bought more beading materials and used their 25% off coupon.
Came back and took M to work. We stopped at Zipps for lunch. It was so cold. Only 19-23 degrees today with a dusting of snow. I had to go and visit Robin at the bank. It was nice seeing her. I wish her bank was more accessible, but by being downtown the parking is a nightmare. She showed me some of daughter's lastest glass jewelry. I bought a beautiful pendant. Signed the needed paperwork and then decided to walk through the mall. The PETA activists were protesting in front of the mall. I checked out the calendar store. Too many choices that I could not make a choice. I then went to Claires but they really did not have anything different or unique.
When I got off work it was bright and sunny, but, cold. I stopped at Circuit City and bought M's first present. Don't tell, I'm trying to keep it a secret till the 25th. I bought him Guitar Hero for his Playstation. He has always wanted it. I also picked up the new Josh Groban cd. It is awesome. What a voice! He would be very cool to see in person.
Ok MaMichelle I'm ready to play:
5 Things found in my room (this is my craft room I'm speaking of):
Plastic Roll Around Cabinet Chocked full of my crafting Goodies
Sewing Machine
Spare Laptop Computer and Desk
Bookshelf holding 3/4 of my cd collection
5 things I’ve always wanted to do:
Adventure off to Sisters, Oregon and visit the Largest Outdoor Quilt Festival
Win the Lottery
Go houseboating on Lake Powell, Page, Arizona
Have fun at Disneyworld, Orlando, Florida
Visit South Whitley, Indiana and lay flowers on my grandparents grave
5 things found in my bag:
Current book I am reading
Address Book
To Do List
Plastic bag with my teeth supplies
5 things in my wallet:
Debit Card & Credit Cards
Library card
Current receipts
5 things I’m currently “in to":
Quad Double Chocolate Sugar Free Mochas
Watching Movies
Sending out wishes to everyone for a Happy Thanksgiving!
After work I went to the library and returned books and rechecked out one M is reading. I put a hold on a book, GPS for Dummies. I checked out 2 new cookbooks and a travel book, Hidden Places in Washington.
I went to the grocery store for milk and bread. The store is loaded with food to the rafters because of Thanksgiving. I am not cooking this year. We are going to the casino. I want to have a fun weekend. I do not want to clean and cook. I plan on shopping on Friday, the day after Thanksgiving. Kohl's opens at 4:00 am. I am thinking I may check it out. Depends on what I see in the ads. I need to call Sharma and see if we are still meeting for breakfast. I will need to go downtown and see Robin at the bank on Friday. It will be a fun busy day. I am looking for a pair of boots and beads for my new addiciton. Ace Hardware is advertising a digital picture frame for only $49.99. That about $90.00 cheaper than I've seen them for. They open at 7:00 am on Friday.
I watched My Favorite Things show on Oprah with jealously. She gives away the best stuff. I'm like everyone who watches her show, this show is always my favorite. She had one of my favorite singers, Josh Groban on. I definitely want his new cd. Yesterday I got in the mail the Keith Urban cd, Love, Pain and the Whole Crazy Thing. A little too rock for my liking, but its okay.
Yesterday Lorna came over and we spent the afternoon talking, laughing and gossiping while we made beaded bracelets. It was fun to swap supplies. She taught me alot and had a wonderful day.
Today, we got up and I went to the store because we were out of milk. I bought food for the week. When I got home I made a huge breakfast. Went back to bed and took a nice long nap. That was surprising because I went to bed so early the night before.
The rest of day we read the paper, watched tv, played on the computer and just enjoyed the day being together. Finally got out of the house and went to Circuit City to look at tv's. Out tv that we have had for the past 12 years the color is going out. We have the big screen downstairs, but really need a good working tv for upstairs too. While there we also looked at GPS Navigational systems. I want a handheld one to use to go geocaching. Its at the top of my Christmas list. On the way home we stopped at Dutch Brothers for mochas.
Now for the rest of the evening I am trying to recreate my blog. I hope everyone can find me.