Friday, November 23, 2007


I got out this morning for the JC Penney 4:00 AM sale. I took advantage of the boot sale and bought 4 pairs of boots for only $138. These were $79. boots marked down to $27. I also got a mini chopper, some bras and some presents that I cannot list here because someone might read this and spoil the surprise. I still have more shopping to do, but I came home to take a break and have some breakfast.

Friday Feast (Thanks Gattina!)


Imagine that you are deaf, dumb and insensitive to touch. What other image of happiness could you have?

Warmth on a cold snowy day and Coolness on a hot summer day.


Do you collect anything?

Earrings - Every kind you can think of. I was so sad when we experienced the heartbreak of a break in last summer. They stole about 300 pairs of my newest earrings. Some were irreplaceable one of a kind earrings. What is sad the policeman said that they probably threw them away upon finding they were not fine jewelry.


When do you start your Christmas?

We no longer celebrate Christmas. But we do celebrate Winter Solstice!

Main Course

What would you do if you were in a corner and a snake was staring you down?

Slowly move peaceably away and leave well enough alone or shoot its head off with my Glock 19.


If you were in the library and had gas

Oh My! Find the closest womens restroom and take care of the problem.

I went back out to take advantage of the sales going on. Went to Joann's and bought all the beading supplies I need. All beading supplies were 40% off and then another 20% of your total purchase. I went over to Circuit City, but they were out of all the televisions we had selected an interest in. I did get M's VHS rewinder that he needed for work. I then ventured over to Michael's. I bought more beading materials and used their 25% off coupon.

Came back and took M to work. We stopped at Zipps for lunch. It was so cold. Only 19-23 degrees today with a dusting of snow. I had to go and visit Robin at the bank. It was nice seeing her. I wish her bank was more accessible, but by being downtown the parking is a nightmare. She showed me some of daughter's lastest glass jewelry. I bought a beautiful pendant. Signed the needed paperwork and then decided to walk through the mall. The PETA activists were protesting in front of the mall. I checked out the calendar store. Too many choices that I could not make a choice. I then went to Claires but they really did not have anything different or unique.


Unknown said...

Nice Friday's Feast! Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving! Come on over and Check out my combined blog with Thursday and Friday! Have a good weekend! Gotta go put up Christmas decor soon!

jenny said...

I enjoyed your feast and the info about the boots! That's a great deal I should have gotten in on.

Sorry to hear about your earring collection!

Ingrid said...

I would rather skip Christmas too, but this year our son invited us to Amsterdam for Christmas he lives there.

Unknown said...

I loved your answer for the Appetizer, and thank you for the link on Winter Solstice, as a homeschooler I am going to educate my children and myself on that.
Very nice feast, and sorry to hear about your earrings.

Wakela said...

OMG! I am afraid to get out in the black Friday madness. Last year a woman got crushed to death down here.

Anyway, great feast. I personally celebrate Winter Solstice too, but the rest of my family celebrates Christmas. So I end up doing both.

Michelle Quinno said...

Nice feast! I didn't have time this week.

Good for you on the shopping deals too!