Feast One Hundred & Seventy
What is your favorite carnival/amusement park ride?
My favorite ride was the Scrambler. I don't care for rides that take you high in the air or drop you from high heights like roller coasters. My favorite ride at Disneyland, CA will always be Pirates of the Carribean. But for most rides in the amusement parks we have gone to I am the official family waiver & camera and stuff animal holder while the kids would ride all the rides.
How do you react in uncomfortable social situations?
I act different in different situations. Most times I talk too much. Fill in the quiet awkardness with too much chat. Other times I just recede and stay quiet, leave or avoid the situation entirely.
On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being highest, how much do you enjoy discussing deep, philosophical topics?
Probably an 8 or 9. I am not afraid to discuss politics or religion or any other type of intense topic. I am interested in what other people think. But I try to stay true to my beliefs and not let other people influence my thinking. I definitely can agree to disagree.
Main Course
Did you get a flu shot this year? If not, do you plan to?
I got the flu shot from the nurse at work and then a pnemonia shot from the doctor's office. Being diabetic I think its required. I hate being sick, so if this keeps the flu away, I am all for it!
Approximately how many hours per week do you spend watching television?
Too much that is for sure. I watch from 21 hours to 40 hours a week. More in the winter because I don't venture out as much.

Hello from another Scrambler and Pirates fan! I haven't seen a Scrambler in ages - -I think it's a kinder, gentler ride and we don't see them so much anymore.
When I went to Disneyland Paris, my family and I took the Pirates ride about 7 times!
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