Somedays there is nothing blogable to talk about. The only thing worth doing is posting a picture and letting it be.
Nothing earth shattering today either. We have a plumbing leak under my kitchen sink and can't stand the thought of the expense of a plumber. No way am I going to call one on a Sunday. It only leaks when we run water.
I took the dogs to the Yuppy Puppy for baths. Sammie got microchipped.
I am making jewelry again. I stopped for about 3 or 4 months. I'm feeling better so now I have the energy to enjoy being creative again.
It's chilly here today. A mix of sun and clouds, some heavy and dark. It is supposed to rain and even have a rain mix tonight.Same for the most of the week. Thursday looks like it might get back into the 60's.
So that's it for me. Just trying to stay good by eating right and taking my medicine. Hope everyone is having a nice Sunday.
Even when you think you have nothing to blog about, I still want to hear what you have to say.
Thanks for being my friend.
I'm so glad to hear that you are creating your lovely jewlery again. :)
Love, Vikki.
sounds like a pretty good and bloggable day to me!
I'm really glad you're starting to feel better and I hope it's all uphill from here.
enjoying your life!
Me, too, I'm glad you're feeling better. Being sapped of energy is no fun.
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