I look out and see that the trees are turning green again and some are full of blossoms. My tulips, 6 this year, are blooming. I know spring is here, finally.
Then on the other hand there is so much worry in the world. War, Hate Crimes, Tainted Food Supplies and now Swine Flu. One more worry for the overloaded worry box that I carry inside.
M took me to lunch as he usually does on Mondays, his day off. We went to my favorite chinese place, King Yen. We ordered the Shrimp with vegetables and Chef's special fried rice. So fresh and cooked perfectly.
It clouded up and rained a little bit. Before heading back to work I stopped and made the bank deposit for the company and then for us at the credit union. I had a headache most of the afternoon, finally took some aspirin and it went away. Maybe the world needs a couple of Excederin to help relieve its aches and pains.
Stopped for gas on my way home. Why is gas prices still climbing when a gallon of oil is lower...hmmm....let's see what holiday is coming up? Oh yeah Memorial Day. They have to gouge it up so we can pay a high price for that weekend. I'll just stay home.
I made an orange cake for Angie, our attorney at work. Her birthday is tomorrow. Last birthday for the month.
Hope everyone has a nice Tuesday. I am hoping the rain, snow, snain forecast will be brief.
I have an overload worry box, too. It always spills over when my head hits the pillow.
I hate that.
I hid my worry box in the back of the closet. I hope it doesn't find me.
Loved this post and the wonderful photo Linda... Where do you find these beautiful photos?
Hope your food plan is going well. I have had a couple of good weeks where it worked. YEA
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