Weekend Bliss. A beautiful day ahead of us. 85 degrees. Who could ask for anything more? Well, there is more. Alot of fun events going on around town. Plus I found a Bead Trunk Show/Sale. Yes, I will hit that first.
I stayed up till 2:00 am making earrings. Late today I am going to work on bracelettes and necklaces.
I hope everyone has a fabulous on the way to summer day.
Hi, Linda. I've finally responded to your meme.
I'll catch up with ya later!
beautiful day here too (finally)
lets hope Sunday is as nice
Hey, could you make a living doing your jewelry?? Would ya want to?! (So tempting to me sometimes....the thought of leaving behind the obligations of ....well...the real world.......)
Just discovered your lovely blog via Linda aka Vulture Peak Muse, am so glad I stopped by! I'll be adding you to my blogroll and looking forward to more visits.
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