Went out for a drive this morning. What a beautiful day! Sunshine all over the place. We stopped and bought plants for the garden. Yesterday at Winco (my new grocery store of choice because I can bag my own groceries and they are way cheaper) I found the Topsy Turvy tomato planters and bought 2 of them to hand from our deck. So the plants we bought today include 5 or 6 tomato plants, lemon cucumber, 2 jalapeno plants and 2 big beautiful, fragrant Jasmine plants. So tonight when it gets cooler (its 80 degrees or warmer right now) we will put down the weed screen and cut some holes to plant the plants. By tomorrow we should have them all planted. We also stopped at Target and bought a new BBQ grill for our old BBQ. That's all it needed to make it good as new. We are BBQ'ing pork ribs tonight.
Last night we watched the movie Perfect Murder with Viggo Mortensen, Michael Douglas and Gwenyth Paltrow. We both thought it was a good movie.
I hope those planters work out. I was watching an infomercial about them the other day, and thought of you.
I hope you're enjoying the long weekend!
Coffee is on and you been tagged
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