A great start to the week. I love this new job. I'm so busy that the first time I looked at the clock it was 11:00. M came by and took me to lunch at The Viking at noon. Back to work and the next time I looked at the clock it was 4:00. Its nice to actually have a job I like. I hope it continues.
Lies, Lies and more Lies. This is all McCain & Palin can come up with? She refused to help in troopergate investigation? Does she think shes above the law? Taxpayer paid tanning bed? The deeper we dig the more corruptness we uncover. McCain reminds me a befuddled old man with no passion or power. Almost pitiful.
Had pancakes for dinner while watching Keith and Rachel. Time to call it a night and go bead for awhile.

I'm glad you like your job, Linda. That's a good thing for sure.
Nothing like being busy ot make the day fly by. I missed the one about the tanning bed. I guess that means I need to do some reading. Have a wonderful week.
Pancakes for dinner now that's the life I want!
So glad to hear you are off to a good and happy start at the new job.
Dad is in tomorrow and I'm "off" work THU and FRI (as in cell phone will ring and I'll be logging into work in the morning and nite lol)
Hope you and M have a great rest o the week
Sure glad you like your job.
Isn't it strange that our banks are having major problems?
So glad to see Dubya out of office in about 4 months.
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