Forgot to post yesterday. It was M's birthday so I spent the night watching tv with him. Watched Rachel and Keith.
Today at work we meet the 2 candidates for the Cobra position. She will be my office mate. Linda is giving me a new project today. We finished the billing process yesterday.
The weather is still damp and much cooler. In the 60's. Yesterday it rained and hailed for awhile. Fall is definitely here.

I hope the new office mate works out well; co-worker dynamics are easily the funnest or most trying part of any job. Your fall temps are what my summer temps were. I'm actually still waiting for summer(not happening; there's snow on the mountains near my house!) Oh well, maybe next year. {:o)
Have a wonderful week.
I agree with Kkryno. I hope things go well with the possible new office mate! Did M have a good birthday?
P.S. I tagged you with a silly meme.
Happy Birthday to M!!!!
Today is my oldest Son birthday he turn 20.
I'll be calling him later.
Coffee is on
Happy Belated Birthday to M.
Sounds like you are still loving your job.
I love your pictures as usual.
happy birthday to M!
its getting cooler here too but that was a nice break for Dad from the Texas heat
Happy Bday to M. Glad your watching Keith and Rachel. Good news about the job.
Happy (belated) birthday to M!!
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