Work was a little slow today. No mail, so, no bank deposit. I kept busy working on little projects. M took me to lunch at D'lish's. It was quite good.
I saw Melissa when leaving Safeway this evening. She is still looking to leave Guardian, but, said there hasn't been any jobs that looked interesting to her. It was great seeing her. Hopefully we can get the girls together and do something soon. I also emailed Nancy this morning. We are going to try to get together tomorrow after work.
Watched all my favorite political news shows. Palin is living in her own make believe world where she cannot read she was found guilty of breaking her states ethics law. She and McLame are definitely nuts!

Hi Linda,
I'm glad you had a slow day on Monday. Those always feel good once in a while.
We are leaving Tuesday for Ohio to see our great grandson. We will be back Sunday.
It's good to ease into the work-week sometimes.
About Palin: what gives her the right to rewrite history? I'm just flabbergasted by her actions more and more each day.
I wonder if the phrase
"pathological liars" mean anything to her OR the McCain camp?
Not to mention hanging her husband out to dry over this. Amazing.
Hopefully the rest of your week will be as smooth as Monday.
yes "nuts" is the correct term!
hope you and M have a great week!
It sounds like you are in a good place now. If only we could give up those politic shows, we might know some peace!
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