Not much to report on today. I'm hoping the Florida sheriff in uniform that ranted and raved at the McLame rally gets fired. He should have known better. Their rallies are getting more like mob scenes with mob mentality, yelling terrorist or Let's Kill Him. Pretty sad the repoops want to sink that low. And Cindy Botox McLame! Can you imagine 4 years of that cold ice rich b...? Did she forget her stupid lame husband also voted to not support the troops or vote for the GI bill? More stupidity!
On the homefront, work is still going great. Time to start decorating for Halloween! The pumpkins are starting to show up at the markets! Who else decorates for Halloween or Samhain? It's my favorite holiday.

I haven't really watched anything political today, except I did catch the Saturday Night Live Thursday Edition spoof of Obama/ McCain 2nd Debate.(Whoo! That was an extremely long sentance.) It was good for a chuckle.
I really want to decorate for Halloween this year. My neighbor really goes all out, and since we are the only ones on the cul-de-sac; may as well go along.
Have a good Friday.
i'm stealing the orange moon picture....
Beautiful pictures as usual. I'm glad you are still enjoying your new job.
here is to a good weekend for you and M
I dont normally do anything for these "blasphemous" holidays but you know what? It's been a long time since I carved a jack o lantern and I may just have to do that this year!
We sure in for some rough times all thanks to Dubya.
He real screw us over.
I haven't done any decorating for samhain yet.
I want to but sense my boys are bigger it harder for me to get into it.
Coffee is on.
I'm sorry I'm late! I love the pictures!
Happy weekend.
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