Is it only Wednesday? I kept hearing that question all day at work. Yes indeed it is only hump day. To make matters worse it snowed, rained and hailed. Will winter ever lose it's grip? Can you tell I had a headache all day?
Now that I am home and took some good ol' Excedrin, I feel much better.
On the plus side, M is working days Thursday and Friday. So we can live normal for a few days.
I want to share another poem from Nikki Giovanni:
I suppose living
in a meterialistic society
to some would be having
more than what you need
living in a electronic age seeing
the whole world by pushing a button
the nth degree might perhaps be
adequately represented by having
someone else to push
the buttons for you
i have thought if only
i could become rich and famous i would
live luxuriously in new york knowing
famous people eating
in expensive restaurants calling
long distance anytime i want
but you held me
one evening and now i know
the ultimate luxury
of your love

Rain, snow, headaches, joint aches are the reason I happily moved down here. It was tough and I remember my days in Indiana. The older I got the more headaches and sinus problems I had.
Get some rest and feel better!
just yesterday i told you that i hadn't written poetry in years...
but something kinda jacked up happened...it's a long long story i don't have the mental strength for right now...
but it inspired me.
not great...but for some reason when sentiments failed it was all that came out.
and i totally don't know why i just dumped all of that in the blog of someone i met only yesterday...
but hey...wev
(my blogger is a little screwed up...also a long story)
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