Spent most of the day in training. Best Practices. First Step of slipping in the silver probe. They gave warnings of things to come. Now I'm really scared. It is deja vu all over again. Scenes from Pitney Bowes and other horrors. Must intensify my search. I got 2 rejections out of the six submissions I sent to Holy Family Hospital. Nothing yet from WA Trust.
Weather is a simply succulent 72 degrees. No rain predicted until Saturday night.
I've been working on earrings this afternoon. 2 more days till the craft show. Tomorrow I am going to Kmart and buy the table.
M is working an early shift today, so will be home early. I'm going to make tacos and have dinner out on the deck so we can enjoy some of this weather.

Wishing you the best at your show!!!
it is now fawlty towers friday!
I'm glad you are having nice weather. And I hope you have a lot of success at the craft show.
Enjoy your weekend.
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