Happy Kissy kiss kiss mooshy day. M has to work till 9:00, so we won't celebrate till he gets home.
Yesterday was such a fun day at work. Our bosses (all 3) took us out for a recognition lunch at The Wild Sage Bistro. It was alot of fun and the food was very upscale and good. I had the mufaletta panini sandwich with mixed green salad. I even cheated and had the coconut cake for dessert. They gave us little plaques and we all felt quite rewarded.
Today has been so busy. Took the pups to the Yuppy Puppy to be groomed. Then off to Walmart, since I have not been there for 2 months. Then onto Safeway to do 2 weeks of grocery shopping. My friend, Barb, came by for a short visit. She brought me the coolest beads from her trip to Portland. She brought me up to date with all the gossip from where I used to work. After that it was back to pick up the pups. Got home in time to make DK and I a hamburger for lunch and then drove him to work. I stopped at Dutch Brothers and bought M a quad double chocolate mocha and delivered it to him.
Now I am home till M gets home. Lots of house chores and laundry to get caught up on.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Valentines Day whichever way you choose to celebrate.

Happy Valentines Day to you also.
Enjoy and relax if you can.
Nice picture. Happy Valentine's Day to you as well.
Hope it's a nice one for ya!!
Hi sweetheart. Sorry I've been absent lately--all wrapped up in my own romantic folly. First the book and then my romantic fantasy. Sublime and silly.
I hope you're having a fabulous day.
I hope that your day ends up SWEET!
Enjoy the week-end.
Sound like all been busy at your place.
Coffee is on and have a blessed valentine day.
Happy V day Linda
Love you too
Say HEY to M for me. sorry he had to work tonight
Hi, L! If you put your cursor on the clock on my blog, you can get to the website that has the clock widgets -- look under "mandala" and you'll find lots like that one!
the other linda
Sounds like a lovely day, hope it was a lovely evening!
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