Last night The Spotted Moose Cafe treated us to a fabulous rib eye steak and bake dinner. We watched the latest recorded episode of Burn Notice. It was a nice night. I love Monday nights because M is home and life feels normal.
Over at my friend, Cher's blog she asked So — ruling out a person or any living being — what is the object of your affection?
I am very uncomplicated. I can think of 3 things that are my objects of affection:
My 2 computers. My desktop and my laptop. I love them both. They take me anywhere I want to go. Visiting friends, shopping, exploring and so many other places. It would be very sad if I didn't have them to log into everyday.
Second would be Jiffy, my car, my little black KIA Optima EX. She gives me the freedom to go anywhere I want to go. I have loved her since the very first day we saw her on the lot. Even when M wanted me to buy the 4 wheel drive, I had my eye on her. It was mean't to be. I missed driving her this winter when she was snowbound. It just made me appreciate her more.
Third would be my jewelry. I have collected earrings and other pieces my whole life. Sometimes they make me feel pretty and special, other times they invoke memories of presents from loved ones and friends and also places I have been or times in my life - good and bad.
So now I'm asking you: So — ruling out a person or any living being — what is the object of your affection?

It's about "things" - HA!
Well, here we go:
1. My music instruments (violins, guitars and the decrepit upright piano).
2. My garden, it gives me nourishment for months...
3. My F-150 1996 pick up truck, it makes me drive civilized. If I would owe a more sportive or powerful car, I would probably harass everybody near and far.
rib eye steak!!!! miss that so much!
3 objects most affection to me? Well here it goes:
1. Can't think my life without my IPOd. Music means everything to me (but i love only Metal).
2. My drum kits: Yeah am a drummer and my drum kits which is a Mepax drum kit with double bass drum pedal is another thing that i can't imagine my life without.
3. My laptop. My ultimate getaway to anywhere, anytime!
I'll have to think about that! I hope you're having a good day. You had me at steak.
1) Colors....I'm in a quilting frame of mind these days....so playing with color is fun....
2) My miata...always, always picks me up when I'm feeling blue.
3) my i-pod... When I got my oldest one for xmas last year, and played it more than she did, I figured I better get me one.... I've discovered podcasts, so I don't have to sit glued to the radio to hear my favorite NPR shows.... I listen while I'm quilting....serendipity!
your email confused me but i will answer your questions non the less
i luv my I Phone. I get my email on it at work and no IT guy knows lol
I love my new car. Heated seats rock and stuff.
And I love my TCU rally monkey Dutch the lucky monkey
I love a well stocked kitchen as cooking is a great creative outlet for me.
Pastel and charcol pencils are another, although I haven't drawn a stitch in years. I've been experiencing a prolonged sort of sketcher's block. I have everything set up, but can't seem to push through.
Like A.K.; I love my IPod. I used to be a vocalist; but quit that for reasons I can't go into here. having music at my fingertips and rebuilding my musical library has been invaluable.
1.)My library
2.)My camera
3.)My 5 burner gas range. I could never go back to electric, or to 4 burners.
All things of beauty...I have art work through out my place that I can see on first waking every day.
My car...I have an old Volvo that feels grand and elegant and I feel I can travel a bit above reality with it.
My black piano. I do not play...but again one of those things of beauty.
My computer and creative work station...done and always in process
Great Question. Thanks for asking
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