Where did the weekend go? We are suppose to get a little snow this morning and more snow tomorrow. I'm sure it is going to be a busy day today.
Yesterday was nice. I slept in till an heard of 11:30. I never do that, but, I guess I can't say that anymore. We drove out to Airway Heights, a town west of us. The sun was shining and skies were clear for a change. We stopped and had lunch at Carl's Jr, M's new favorite place. When we drove through the main drag I noticed the little Celtic/Bead shop that I went with Lorna last summer is now gone and a cell phone place has taken its place. So sad. They had some really cool stuff. We drove home the back way through the country. We passed the casino. They are building a multi story hotel. The recession doesn't seem to be hurting them.
We spent the rest of the day doing stuff around the house, playing on the computer and I made brownies.
DK is coming down with something. I tried to talk him into staying home from work, but he insisted on going. Now he will come home sicker and hopefully we won't get what he has.
I did put some new songs on my blog radio, so I have new tunes to listen to while at work. Let's all survive Monday!

That sounds like a nice day. Sleeping late can be so nice. I hope that snow passes you by today!
Liked your new tunes :)
One thing I hate about my job is the lack of music. If I could play music, and if I started about an hour later, it would be perfect.
Sometimes it's just nice to re-charge. Sounds like a good day to me.
Hope your Monday is a good one!
I haven't seen a Carl's JR in years
hope you have a good week
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