Here is an exciting way to spend your vacation day: Hardware store for replacement bathroom bulb, post office, wash the car, drive 35 miles north to see how much snow is still on the ground, lunch at The Onion (I had the spicy Thai Noodle Salad) and last but not least, a stop at the clinic to sign a release to move my records to my new doctor.
great picture
I hope you're having a great day off!
That little girl doesn't look too happy!
I'm not sure how far Mt. Redoubt is, but you can see it from my house! (never thought I'd hate THAT phrase) I'll try to update later today.
I love your new picture!
Enjoy your time off. Are you celebrating tomorrw?
What a great photograph - not one that you'd usually see for st. patrick's day. T
I did the family feud.
Hope your new doctor works out for you.
Coffee is on.
still beats a day at work!
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