Walked on my treadmill first thing this morning.
Food journal: 3/4 cup oatmeal w/2 splenda packets. Lunch: Salmon sandwich and side salad, ice tea Dinner: salad with fake crab and glass of milk
We had our monthly staff outing at O'Doherty's. Was just 4 of us this time, myself, Maureen, Joyce and Michelle. It was alot of fun. The owner Tim came up and had us play a dice game for a free lunch. I won!
It was slow at work today. Deb was out sick and Linda still on vacation. It was a nice kick back kind of day.
And who says there is no such thing as a free lunch!
The weekend is almost here.
Keep up with the food journal and have a great weekend
Are you on a diet? Maybe this will encourage me! You did quite well today. I love this photo/art work. Where did you find it
Keep up the good work. I need to learn by your example!
Maybe we shoud do an online buddy system. I could encourage you and you could threaten me with great shame and much flogging, 'cause that's what it seems to take to get me motivated! ;)
TGIF! (Well; soon anyway.)
Don't know if you've been at my place...but I'm trying the "lifestyle change," too.... I, however, am not doing well..... (See "The Gauntlet.") My very dear friend and I are trying to lose 10 pounds...whoever does it first has to watch the other's kids.... Mauigirl is doing weight watcher points on-line, too. She says that works well for her (no cost, no embarrasing public weigh ins...) so I may just check that out..... I'm rootin for ya! Cuz I'm headed down the same path if I don't straighten myself up....
Keep up the good work... I think the exercize will be the key!
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