Back to the treadmill this morning. It's a gloomy gray day outside, but, all of what I've been doing has dropped my sugar level to 147. Still high, but, so much better than it was.
Food journal: 1 hard boiled egg and glass of milk. Lunch: slice of sandwich ham, few mushrooms, few grape tomatoes, 4 pcs of fake crab 4 saltine crackers and a glass of milk. Dinner: Baked chicken breast, brussel sprouts and cucumber, mushroom and tomatoe salad. cup of sugar free jello.
Let's hope they don't have a Jello recall. I would be sunk!
I like your picture you posted it reminds me we will have warmer day soon.
Coffee is on.
I hope you're having a great Sunday! Dang, that rain and gloom.
Congratulations on sticking to your food plan and exercise! Every little thing counts.
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