It is official. I gave my resignation and my last day will be September 5th. My first day at the new job will be September 8th. Thank you to everyone who offered me kind words and encouragement. I truly appreciate you.
It was raining when I went to work this morning, but, by the time I left it was cool, breezy and nice.
I sold $75 worth of earrings today. I must create more.
Ok, I admit it... I still love Bill! I would vote for him again. His speech was great as we all knew it would be. I am a long standing loyal Democrat. I will always be. I will campaign for the Obama/Biden ticket. We CANNOT let McInsane win and have 4 more years of the Bush Administration. This country cannot take that kind of beating. McCain wants more war, not less war, he wants to build 45 nuclear power plants. Is he kidding? I remember the protests and what it took to shut down Rancho Seco - now he wants to build them again? Didn't he say "the economy is not my strong suit"? These times we do not need someone who has no clue to fix the mess we are in. I could go on and on and probably will before November.
Have a good night and dreams of warm ocean breezes.

Raising a pint right now and will raise an extra one on the 8th!
I am so happy for you and M. You are going to rock this new job!
Oh and the stalker. eh who cares. the only reason I didnt delete his comment I thought it would be a little hypocritical of me after talking about talking with each other (even though he doesn't want to do that lol)
Congratulations on your new job, Linda. I hope everything works out for you and that you will be happy there. I am very happy for you.
Congratulations on your new job!
Bill won me back with last night's speech. I was a little pouty with him before that.
Congrats, Linda!
I hope you new job is the best ever.
Yay! A new job! Woo hoo!
and FTR, that first picture looks like it was taken on Bellows Beach out my way. Such a pretty place.
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