Total earring sales this week was $83.00. I think I will make more. LOL!
M picked me up after work and we went and picked up the truck. It cost over $400. Ouch! But he says it is running better than before. Lets hope so.
From there he went to work and I drove up to Rings and Things for their anniversary sale. I got alot of really great beads. Picked up on eye pins and ear wires too. They had a very small selection of findings. In fact there were none that I cared for. Maybe that's a good thing. It kept me from spending too much.
I took M some lunch from Arctic Circle. Then off to Costco. M is having a weenie roast tomorrow for his staff, so, I had to buy the dogs, buns, condiments and some stuff for us too.
It was sweltering hot today. Over a 100 degrees. Tomorrow doesn't look any better. I'm pretty unhappy that I have to work 4 hours overtime tomorrow. Mandatory training. I was hoping I would have found a new job by now, so I wouldn't have to endure this. No such luck.
Here's wishing everybody I cool weekend.

Congratulations on your earring sales. Wow, that's pretty good!! I'm sure they are beautiful.
The up side of you having to work 4 hours on Saturday is you will get paid time and a half. At least, I hope you will get that for overtime. You should anyway, but with that company, who knows!!
I will send you an email right now on a personal note.
hope your four hours went fast!
Yes it hot.
$83.00 is better then nothing. It would almost put two full tanks of gas in my Mazda.
Sure hope your staying cool. I been in the basement at heat of the day and I keep hearing that some cool air coming down from Alaska.
So the coffee is always on at my blog.
Hey there,
Thanks for the mention of Rings & Things' anniversary sale. You're right, we didn't put too many findings on sale. (Could it have to do with the crazy price of metals????) This time the focus was on tons of beads!
Anyway, we had a great time visiting with lots of customers and cooling off in the warehouse. I was working overtime too, but it was kind of nice to NOT be out in the sun, LOL.
Take care,
at Rings and Things
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