An uneventful day at work. It is kind of boring with both Barb and Lonnie out on vacation. After work I drove up to M's work and delivered him a strawberry smoothie. I was kind of ugly to him yesterday and I feel bad about that. It was just one of those days. Got his weekly check for his little business and put it in the bank. Also went to the library and returned books and then checked out what I had on reserve.
Came home and did laundry, dishes and made earrings. I got a phone call for another interview on next Monday afternoon. Two calls in one week. I guess if you actually email out your resume you might get a response or two.
Making burritos tonight with the leftover BBQ steak. Not much else going on.
Happy humpy day tomorrow.

Two calls? Now that's progress! Awesome!
And I loved the art. I miss reading. I hope the ability to concentrate on something other than teh blogs comes back soon.
Hi Linda,
We all have days when we are a little short with our spouse. I hope you don't beat yourself up too much over it.
I am so bad, Linda. I meant to get your package ready and mail it today, but I forgot until it was too late. I guess I'm going to have to make myself a note. You see, the bar-b-que is in the freezer, and the sauce is in the pantry in the basement. I can't wrap the bar-b-que and stick it back in the freeze as it would have the sauce in with it. Don't think that needs to freeze. Oh, well, it will be good when you do get it, hopefully.
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