What a day! I got up early and had forgot that I promised to make MJ a cake for her birthday. So I got busy and made her a lemon cake. I also made tuna fish for our lunches. It was snowing pretty hard when M took me to work this morning. The traffic was awful and I landed up being about 10 minutes late.
After being off for the holiday we were swamped with work. Lots of new groups to add and lots of terminations to process. Then the mail came. I deposited 101 checks. For our company that is alot. We also had a company meeting and learned that we were in the black for 2008, hired a new lawyer and operating officer and rented the old building to the United Way with a 6 year lease.
It stopped snowing mid day. I am hoping they are right about the Pineapple Express to help melt all this snow away. Hopefully without flooding.
When M picked me up tonight we really wanted to go out to dinner. But with our new goals in mind, we came home and made dinner. So I transferred the $50.00 we would have spent dining out and put it on the VISA.
Tonight after visiting my favorite blogs, I am going to work on some new earring pictures.
Hope everyone has a cool Tuesday.

Thanks for the funny email, Linda!
May the snow melt slow but fast. :)
Hi Linda,
I hope you are having a good week. I hope the snow stops for good as I'm sure you have already had your fill of the white stuff to last you a while.
Happy New Year, Linda
Happy Tuesday to you too
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