It was a nice sunny day. Cold because it is winter, but, nice to see the sun. I made and brought a chocolate fudge cake to work for Susan's birthday. Our 2 immediate bosses were in Seattle today. I got quite a bit done today. I worked on reconcillations and terminations. It was kind of peaceful today.
Not much going on. Still working on my short term project. The Spotted Moose cafe is making something with porkchops. I saw a recipe for pineapple-cranberry baked porkchops, but left the recipe at work, but, I might be able to wing it. It will be served with rice a roni and green beans.
I am going to catch up on some tv watching too. I have so much recorded. How many of you are going to Super Bowl parties this weekend? We will watch Puppy Bowl on the Animal Planet like we every year. Both M and son could care less for sports, so, I am living in a blessed world. LOL...
Happy Birthday to my cousin, Sue, in Bloomington, IN. Find her link on my Facebook page and give her a b'day shout!!
do you know that I only just figured out about 3-4 days ago that the spotted moose cafe was NOT a cafe?? now, am I stupid or what...I kept thinking, Wow, they sure do eat out alot!!! lolol, I felt so ridiculous when I put 2 and 2 together and realized it is YOUR house...now, I could be wrong I suppose but somehow I doubt that! just thought I'd share it with you...I wonder how many others have actually thought that and for how long...I must hold some kind of record....sigh....
I'll have to go say hey to your cousin! I'm glad you had a good, productive day at work. That always feels good, doesn't it?
Of course, I got hung up on the fudge cake for a sec before I could read the rest of the post. The mouth waters.
Hey! We had pork chops tonight, too. I'm wishing you a good Thursday!
Occassionally I get hung up on lines or words of a post. I got hung up here on reconcillations and terminations. I do not know what it really meant to you in your post about work but to me it was very relevant about life...I spend a good bit of time on wondering what should be put in the reconcillation piles and what should go in with terminations. Do you do that at times Linda?
Another interesting picture, Linda. Are you watching the try outs for American Idol?
hey! i see your blog is doing well, i'll be going to a superbowl party for sure, although i'm a little pissed the giants didn't make it. thanks for all your comments and keep up the good work and i'm glad you like my blog!
The Super Bowl's this weekend? Amazing that I didn't know that. But before you go running to the Loyal Order of Testosterone Based Life Forms (Local 517) to tell them to revoke my membership I should hasten to add that
when April rolls around and the Stanley Cup Playoffs start, I'll be able to tell you just about every game on the schedule.
If you like the candle photo as much as all that, gimme your email and I'll send you a high res copy you can get a print from.
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