How does a house get so cluttered in such a short time by just 2 people? I will spend this morning putting stuff away and getting the laundry caught up. I plan for this afternoon to do some beading. I want to make a few bracelets for a few people at work.

How to play PhotoHunt:
Simple. You just play by posting a photo for the weekly theme on YOUR site - that’s it. Keep in mind, more will find you if you comment on my weekly PhotoHunt posted on the main page.
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Tip: For the title of your post use “PhotoHunt: Theme” or something similar to help others know what is intended for the PhotoHunt.
This week's theme is: SMALL
I have chose 2 pictures this week because I could not decide between the 2.

Drove M to work. Went shopping from there. Stopped at Beyond Beads. Lots of cool stuff there. Went to Borders. Ordered the book M wanted. Then went to Walmart. Got alot of things we needed. Streets were sprayed so driving was good.
Around 5:00 I took M a mocha. Roads are starting to get icy. I will need to really take it easy when I go to pick him up at 9:00.

1 comment:
That dog photo is too cute ;~)
Thanks for visiting my PH today!
Have a great weekend!
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