The drive to work wasn't so bad this morning. Work stayed busy all day. Barb was back today. Missed her.
After work I drove over to Janet's. She looked so sick. She hugged me so hard and so long, it broke my heart. I picked up the computer and Joanna is coming over this evening to pick it up. We are expecting more snow, so I hope she comes before the snow starts.
Thirteen Things about Saoirse 13 New Years Resolutions
1.... Stick to my diabetic diet and excercise program.
2. Walk on my treadmill everyday and use my gym membership at least 2 or 3 times a week.
3. Take my medicine as prescribed, everyday.
4. Make the effort to keep in touch with my friends.
5. Pay down our debt.
6. Clean out garage.
7. Declutter, clean and organize our house and keep it that way. Make our home our sanctuary.
8. Go geocashing.
9. Be more creative and enjoy more types of crafting.
10. Take a picture everyday for 365 days and post them on Flickr.
11. Meditate more, learn tai chi and live my beliefs.
12. Take a road trip to Sisters, OR to attend the Outdoor Quilt Festival.
13. Make an effort to keep in touch with family more often. |
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More snow coming for tonight. They are predicting 4-5 inches to fall overnight. Driving will be interesting tomorrow morning.
I'm with you on the gym thing. I've slacked off the past 2 months, but I'm now trying to whip myself back into shape.
Good luck with your resolutions! I hope your look back at the end of 2008 will be better than my 2007 one! ;-)Thanks for visiting my TT!
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