We woke to snow, again! I'm beginning to lose hope that winter will ever give up to spring. My tulips are coming up and we keep getting teases of spring, but I am doubtful.
This was on Bob's blog and I just has to try it:

Bob is definitely the master of this test. Please go visit his blog then come back and take the test.

The site I want to share is for bad housekeepers like me or as I call myself Martha-Wantabee.
Lots of tips about keeping house.
ZOMG i love mermaids!
So sorry to hear you had more snow.
We actually had a very spring like day here today and I able to put up the leather jacket and break out the windbreaker.
We came in second in trivia so are moving on to the next round!
Hope your Sunday is warmer
More snow!?! Ugh, I'm so sorry. I hope it warms up for you soon!
I was hoping the snow was all over for Wa I hope it melts quicky & stays gone this time April is not the time for snow...
Hi Linda,
Hang in there, Spring is on it's way. We've had a lot of rain here last few days, but it is pretty today.
I'll check out that site about the organized home. Heaven knows I'm no way organized, and sometimes the clutter drives me nuts.
I tagged you for a meme. Check it out on my blog for today. You can play along or not. It's up to you. I won't be hurt if you decide not to, as I know you stay very busy.
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