I have lots of girls in my circle and decided that they all needed to know that someone cares about them and appreciate the difference they make in my life. If you are here it may be because I tagged you as one of the girls in my circle! If I didn't tag you , no offense intended. Tag! You're it! Consider yourself tagged.
Betty, Phyl, Aprilwine,Ouyangdan, Lorna, Sharma, Barbara, Joanna, Melissa, Karen, Wendy and even if they are not girls Pidomon, Bob and Admiral
Wanna let your friends know you love them and appreciate the difference they make in your life? Go here to learn how.
I enjoyed a nice relaxing sunday. It rained off and on most of the day. No snow, which is good. I did get out and drive over to Staples and picked up Turbo Tax and stopped at Burger King and got M some lunch.
M did our taxes and for the first time in 20 years we are going to get a refund! Ok I take back all the bad things I said about the people who said we should buy a house... Just think a refund and a tax rebate check too.
I did do a dorky thing today. I was busy stringing the yellow beaded turtle necklace when I dropped the jump ring. I bent over to pick it up and found it was caught in the carpet. I tugged a little harder and fell out of the chair onto my thumb. Jammed it good. It still hurts and that was hours ago. I am such a clutz - I wasn't even drinking, so, I have no excuse.
Watched the NASCAR race and saw Opie win and do his backflip. It was a good race. I didn't get done half the stuff I planned on - but that is normal around here.
I found this on the Admiral's page:
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Have a great week everybody.

A mermaid. How neat. You have some of the nicest pictures to show on your blog.
I tagged you for a fun meme. Check it out on my blog for today if you want to play. Up to you.
I hope you have a wonderful week, Linda, and that you don't have to work too hard.
Sorry, Linda, I mentioned the tag twice. You can tell I'm getting old. Can't remember from one post to the next, lol.
Thanks for all the support the past few days! *hugs* I wanted to let you know I LOVE your playlist, I come here and leave the browser up so I can listen... it's a lot like what I have on my mp3 player : )
I posted your meme here:
Come see...there is a lil sumfin there for you!
Thanks for the inclusion!
BTW, $1010/hr. I had no idea!
fun quiz....you are only worth as much as the person you are with says you are worth.
BTW 1071.00
I she has a coupon...lol
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