Work was, well, just work today. Nothing exciting there. I need to make a birthday cake tonight to take for my friend's Lonnie's birthday tomorrow.
This afternoon I am beading in my new space we created this weekend. So nice to have good light.
Hell's Kitchen starts tonight. Thank goodness for DVR. I can record that while watching American Idol. I watched an episode of New Amsterdam. It is such a good show. I have 2 or 3 more episodes to watch that are recorded. American Idol tonight. I think Ramielle is next to go. Maybe a surprise though.

not a huge reality tv show fan.
I didn't watch my first Survivor until was at my Sister's and beautiful niece had not watched Smallville. So we agreed she would watch my show and I would watch hers!
Have a great week. You should post some pics of your beading I'm really interested to see what it looks like
I was banned from the Den last night, the boys watched Idol on one TV and recorded Hell's Kitchen on another.
I worked on a post
You were right about who you thought would be eliminated from American Idol. I thought America got it right on that one. I hated to see Brooke in the bottom three. I hope she bounces back next week.
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