Not much went on at work today. After work I stopped at the groomers to buy some dog food but they were closed. They are taking a week's vacation. Good for them. So off the Petco (where the pets go) I bought some of the new food that is on the market called Halo. It is alot like the food they have been eating. I have to be so careful in what I feed lady or she gets red feet. Then to the store, had to buy the cake mix and the pineapple to make Barbara's birthday cake for tomorrow. Then I stopped and Joann's to look for beads.
M works days today, so he will get off work at 7:00. I will have to actually make dinner tonight.
I think it is Jason's turn to be kicked off American Idol. His performances lacked any energy or motivation. I think it will come down to the two David's.

Wasn't Neil Diamond awesome? I love him!!!
hope your thursday was good as well!
Beautiful pictures, as usual.
I thought Jason would be eliminated from Am. Idol and was really surprised when he was able to stay for another week. I hated to see Brooke go as she is just so sweet, but it's true she wasn't as talented as some of the others.
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