It is such a beautiful morning. Nice and cool with a cool breeze. That's the nice thing about the Northwest that in the summer the mornings are usually cool and then heats slowly by afternoon.
Out favorite coffee stand has finally sold. It was on the market for a long time. It is now called the Coffee Works. There was a 2 for 1 coupon in our entertainment paper, so we are going to stop there this morning for granitas and give it a try. I will miss seeing the old owners Steve and Leann, they were so nice. But they now opened a massage center. I wish them the best.
I just finished the book I was reading, Louisiana Fever, by D. J. Donaldson. It was a forensic mystery about deaths being caused by African ticks that were brought in on smuggled parrots. It was a very good read. I now have to choose a new book. I found a really cool website called Book Place It is a site for authors, readers and reviewers. It is sort of like Blog365 where you can set up a friends network and discuss books. Its a great place to learn about new authors and new books. If you like to read, check it out.
I went to the library on my way home from taking M to work. I chose the next book to read: Vegas Nerve by Susan Rogers Cooper. I also checked out Reading Tea leaves by a Highland Seer and Visioning, Ten Steps to Designing the Life of Your Dreams by Lucia Capacchione.
DK and I worked on the downstairs room some. I have decided to make broccoli beef tonight. So I had to go to the store for the broccoli and we needed a few other things like ice and milk. Always something.
I hope everyone has a nice Saturday night.

Hi, Saoirse, and thanks for the visit and comment. :o)
I would truly love to be able to walk to help lose weight and regulate my sugar, but I have severe arthritis and it's just not possible. I walk with a cane, and not much at that.
I'm expecting that my Dr. will prescribe meds the next time I'm there. I hope so, because I'm not feeling well at all with my sugar uncontrolled.
Have a great Sunday, and good luck with the job!
Hi again. :o)
I've done water therapy before and it does help, but I live in a rural area with no pool. I had to ride a handicapped van, paid for by my insurance, to the pool in another city about 10 miles away for the therapy. My insurance is maxed out for that benefit, so I don't have access to a pool. I wish I did!
Thanks for your suggestions, though. My sugar is staying between 120 and 186 over the last 5 days. Not high for someone who has been diagnosed, but high for me since I'm not medicated. I'm really hoping my doctor will just diagnose me and be done with it. I think I'd feel better on medication. I can tell when my sugar is high. I feel awful!
Hope you're well!
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