I went with M to the doctor today. We talked with the orthopedic surgeon. We both agreed that we did not like him and did not agree with his diagnosis. A second opinion will need to be done. They gave him another cordizone shot and sent him on his way.
We stopped at our favorite German deli, Alpine Deli. It was not as good as it once was. It was very dissapointing. M ordered a rueben and they had run out of rye bread so made it on french bread - definitely not the same. So we will check this place off our list of favorites.
I think the job they found for me has fell through. I guess I will start looking in earnest. Dissapointed, yes, but, not defeated.
Tonight we are going to M's folk's house for fried chicken dinner. DK was off to a job interview this afternoon and did not know if he will be back to join us.
This afternoon I am working on earrings and housework. But I'm still on vacation! I am so happy for that.
Hope you enjoy the dragons and have a fun Friday night.

Dissapointed, yes, but, not defeated
I want a bumper sticker of that.
You know you have a lot of folks out here wanting the best for you.
Enjoy the rest of your Vay-Kay.
Golf for me in the morning waaaayyyyy to early lol
Tell M and DK I send my best
I am so sorry that the job opportunity fell through, but I like your attitude about it - dissappointed but not defeated.
I'm glad you are enjoying your vacation.
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