Last Day of vacation. So sad that I must return to hell tomorrow.
Went with M to his doctor appointment this morning. They put him on some new medicine and he got a referral to a new orthopedic surgeon. After that we went to the library. I had a book on reserve and I also checked out Keith Olberman's book and the movie Charlie Wilson's War with Tom Hanks and Julia Roberts.
We went and picked up M's Northwind check and put it in the bank. Then he took me out to lunch at DeLeon's. Always wonderful. While at lunch I got a call from the postal annex place and said DK's computer has finally arrived. So we went to pick that up. In the same center is the new ACE Hardware store, where I had to return what I bought the other day. But what was cool is that they now have keys with enammeled Disney prints on them. I had my house key made on a Pirates of the Carribean one. I know, no surprise there, but I was leaning towards picking the pink tinkerbell one.
I am working on another job. Hopefully this one will pan out and not fizzle away like the last 2. She was suppose to call me back this afternoon, but didn't. So I am not getting too excited about it.
I watched Food Network Star and my Aaron is rocking! I was surprised that they chose Adam to stay and let Chelsie go, but as long as Aaron stays, I'm good. Saving Grace starts tonight. Another series to record. I am going to record The Mole too.
My Karma Cards I had on my list at BOCM2 came today. It will be fun to use these in readings.
Made meatloaf with baked potatoes tonight. I guess I will need to go to bed early since now I am already used to sleeping in. It will be hard to rise at 3:00.
Hope everyone survived Monday.

not a big meatloaf fan but i'm sure you have a great recipe
good luck getting used to being back at work tomorrow
I know how you hate to have to return to that job. I hope a better one comes along for you soon. Gosh, you sure have to get up early. I don't envy you on that as I am definitely a night owl.
I hope things are going okay today.
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