I managed to make it to traffic school on time. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. We even got out 1 hour earlier than expected.
It's a warm one today. 89 degrees. I set up the fan. This afternoon I am spending the time at home. Working on this and that and watching all the house flipping shows.
I decided to play along with Phyl's meme:
One word only!!
Not as easy as you might think. Now copy, forward, or post this and change the answers to suit you and pass it on. It's really hard to only use one word answers.
1. Where is your cell phone? .............. purse
2. Your significant other?.......................Michael
3. Your hair? ............................................thin
4. Your mother? ......................................deceased
5. Your father?..........................................same
6. Your favorite thing?.............................beads
7. Your dream last night?......................farm
8. Your favorite drink? ............................milk
9. Your dream/goal?................................wealth
10. The room you're in?..........................office
11. Your ex?...............................................Corning
12. Your fear?............................................money
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years?........alive
14. Where were you last night?..............deck
15. What you're not?................................rich
16. Muffins?...............................................blueberry
17. One of your wish list items?.............garden
18. Where you grew up?..........................Sunnyvale
19. The last thing you did?.......................school
20. What are you wearing?......................tshirt
21. Your TV?..............................................new
22. Your pets?............................................two
23. Your computer? .................................wonderful
24. Your life?.............................................content
25. Your mood?........................................happy
26. Missing someone?............................Donald
27. Your car?..............................................Jiffy
28. Something you're not wearing?.......bra
29. Favorite Store?....................................Joann's
30. Your summer?....................................fun
31. Like(love) someone?...................................Michael
32. Your favorite color?............................ brown
33. Last time you laughed?.....................today
34. Last time you cried?...........................month
35. Who will re-post this?........................friends
Let me know if you play along, so I can come and visit.
Enjoy your weekend bliss.

JoAnn I haven't been in one of those for ages.
It was sunshine here today and been outside quite a bit.
Hi there:)...so glad you played along! Great list.
Hope you have a spectacular Sunday.
I loved reading your one word meme, and I will do it tomorrow. Already posted for today.
I have thin hair, too, and fine. I hate my hair.
Hope you are having a wonderful weekend.
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