It was slow at work today which made the day drag by. It was so beautiful outside that I felt like a school child stuck inside waiting for the bell to ring.
After work Teresa and I went to Noodle Express for lunch. The company was nice but the food wasn't worth the price.
I came home and let the dogs out. Then saddled up and went and ran some errands. I gased up the car and ran it through the carwash. It didn't even look like I even attempted to wash it. That was a waste of money. I did buy a $5.00 Lotto quick pick. Wish me luck! I think I will take it somewhere else this weekend and wash it again. I then went to the bank and deposited some checks and then on to the grocery store for this weekend's supplies.
Tonight we are going to barbeque hamburgers and make bacon guacamole burgers with french fries and eat out on the deck. I am going to hang the little chinese lantern lights around the deck that I bought at the end of season last year. Put the new tablecloth on the table with candles and it should be a nice evening. And if we aren't too tired we may even soak in the hot tub before going to bed.
Tomorrow is the dreaded traffic school. But it is a 3 day weekend for me. Hope everyone has a sinfully fun Friday Night.

How can I wish you a wonderful weekend when you are going to traffic school?
Try to have one anyway!
thank you
In spite of traffic school...I hope your weekend is a wonderful one:).
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