I took a 1/2 day vacation. I spent the time running errands such as pharmacy and the bank. Next I am off to take the dogs to the vet for shots and checkups.
I am now back from taking the dogs to the vet. They both got every shot they could possibly give a dog. Both are checked out to be healthy and happy. Big smiles all around. From there we drove out to the Humane Society and got city licenses for both. Now they are totally legal. I feel good about doing this today.
A little cooler today with a soft rain. So good for the tulips. Driving around today it is amazing to see all the different colored tulip varieties. It is sad they last such a short time.
With hue like that when some great painter dips
His pencil in the gloom of earthquake and eclipse.
Percy Bysshe Shelley
I've been watching all the news about the Chinese earthquake. That was one hell of quake. I lived in San Francisco for awhile and worried about the big one hitting. I would worry how long a box of crackers and a gallon of water would last while living under my desk. I worked for the library system at Stanford University for awhile and worked for a man who would be one of the persons in charge when the big earthquake does hit. He showed me the plans they have on file awaiting the eventual disaster that he said was way overdo. I hope it never happens. I get nightmares when I watch all the disaster documentaries on PBS tv.

Sure hope your dogs gets a good score on their check ups.
I sure like your picture you post on your blogs.
You ask a short time ago about the strawberries.
There doing ok but last few days nothing grown because it been cooler.
Hi Linda,
Seems there is always errands to run. I hope your dogs get a good report from the Vet.
I'm excited and looking forward to my necklace. You are so sweet.
love the UFO theme tonight.
Did anything special happen to bring that out?
I would have posted earlier but when I came here Mary Chapin Carptenters "This Shirt" came on your player and I had to listen.
Glad the doggies got their shots and are good.
Hope you have a good week
Today was also my day for big Cyrus's check up. Mostly it was for my old house call vet to meet my new old ginourmous rescued dog for the first time. He came to me after living his entire nine years in a shelter in the Nevada desert. Then the woman owning the shelter died suddenly of a heart attack leaving all the animals to fend for themselves for awhile. Best Friends was called in as soon as her family discovered her death. Cyrus got great cares from Best Friends. Teeth cleaned, shot, meds for his arthritis and thyroid problems. His first bath. He has never had a real home before and he is ever so happy to know that he is here to stay. He will not go outside without me. He is huge. A Rottie/Mastiff/ Shepherd mix. I have yet to hear him bark. I guess if you're that big, you don't need to bark.
are those real pictures of flying saucers attacking earth?
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