Let's think of somewhere tropical today. It's going to be a cold and gray-dreary day, so thoughts of cool gentle breezes and palm trees and warm sandy beaches will help while away the day.
Not much going on around here, just counting down the days to Winter's Solstice. I need to get my candles. And I also need to get my Christmas cards addressed and cd's made for co-workers and friends who celebrate Christmas. I need to fill the bird feeders and buy the little suet packs to hang on the outdoor trees for the birds that stick around though the winter.
I am making potato soup tonight. It will be perfect on a cold winter's night. I need to make more earrings for Lorna's Friday night party.. So much to do just wish I had a little more ambition.
Hope everyone has a nice Wednesday. Aloha!
Here are the lyrics of my new favorite song. I found a Youtube clip of John Stewart singing it. And lately Kenny Chesney has made it popular again. Wish I knew how to post Youtube clips. If you can, go find it. It's a one of those songs that stay with you.
Lucky Old Sun
Up in the mornin', out on a job,
Work like the devil for my pay.
But that lucky old sun got nothin' to do,
But roll around heaven all day.
Fuss with my woman, toil for my kids,
Wheat till I'm wrinkled and gray.
While that lucky old sun got nothin' to do,
But roll around heaven all day.
Good Lord up above, can't you hear me cryin'?
Tears all in my eyes.
Send in a cloud with your silvery linin',
Lift me to paradise.
Oh, show me that river, take me across,
wash all my troubles away.
Like that lucky old sun, gimme nothin' to do,
But roll around heaven all day.
Like that lucky old sun, gimme nothin' to do,
But roll around heaven all day.