Back to work. What a great 3 day weekend I had. It was busy today as always but time seemed to just click on by. No real bad calls for a change.
They decided to have a Goodie Potluck for Valentine's Day. I'm trying to decide what I want to make. I'm thinking on making some kind cookie bars. I will need to look down in my pantry and see what I have.
Stopped at Walmart on my way home. Lot's of people buying Valentine cards and gifts. I am passing that whole scene this year. We don't really have the money this year. Last year I went all out, so maybe I can slide this year. I will make M a nice dinner with his favorite Pineapple Cake.
Watched another episode of Gone Country that I had recorded. I was right, Bobby Brown is messed up. Then I watched Dr Phil because Jordan Sparks was on and she sang her song Tattoo. I really want to buy her cd on payday. I also want to get the DVD Across the Universe. I'll be watching American Idol tonight and recording Big Brother to watch tomorrow.
Lorna called and dropped by for a visit. I bought the cutest pair of Valentine earrings she made. She also gave me a really cute cell phone beaded cord. She is so sweet. I really enjoy her friendship. I cannot wait till we can get together and do beading again. Right now I am working on my next necklace. I am using colors of lime green, orange and yellow. Sounds wierd but it looks summery and cute.

I like the colors.
I love the random music you have on your blog. Right now it an Ashkoan Farewell. I first heard it on a PBS special about the Civil War.
I also thought it be tough to live down being on a right wingers blog roll. I fixed that little error so let me know if it is OK.
I love, love, love the pictures as usual.
Oh shoot, I forgot to watch Dr. Phil to see Jordan.
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