I made it! I have been added to the Admiral's blogroll. Everyone should visit In A Mad, Mad, Mad World. He always has the most fun and interesting posts.
I sold 3 of my necklaces today. That has given me confidence to make more. They have cancelled the potluck for tomorrow, so, I do not have to worry about that tonight.
The sun was shining today and I can feel Spring just around the corner. After work I took M some lunch and we had lunch together. That was nice to see during the day.
I stayed up way too late last night watching the 2 hour episode of American Idol. It is going to be a great season. Such Talent! Better than in years past. I also watch some of the first episode of Big Brother. I never care for the first couple of episodes, not until we get to know which houseguests to like and ones you hate. Then it gets interesting.
Today would have been my father's birthday. I miss him everyday. He was such a kind and wonderful soul. I miss him everyday. Happy Birthday Daddy!
DK called this evening. It was so nice hearing from him. He is so much like me at that age. Restless and full of wanderlust, always wanting to travel to faraway lands to seek fun and adventure.
Congratulations on selling some of your necklaces. I hope you post pictures of some you have made real soon.
I hope you have had a good day.
wow! you have a very nice picture and I love the way you put consistency of the picture, indeed that is a great post for this week theme! keep it up!!!
check mine:
Have a great Weekend!!!
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